A Deck of Analysts

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AHurdOfBronies's avatar
So I ended up making an entire deck of analysts, formatting (almost) everyone's names to sound like cards:

01 A Hurd of Bronies
02 A Voice of Reasons
03 A Doctor of Wolves
04 A Quill of Silvers
05 A Wish of Fallens
06 A Rose of Inks
07 A Brand of Fires
08 A Reason of No Goods
09 A Wolf of Animes
10 A Dreamer of Secrets
11 A Critic of Ponyvilles
12 A Dust of Stars
13 A Cat of Avengers
14 A Heart Song of Sapphires
15 A Quartz of Roses
16 A Fox of Golds
17 A Fox of Ponies
18 A Geek of Stevens
19 A Flare of Thunders
20 A Root of Mints
21 A Stroke of Brushes
22 A Tyan of Dagas (wtf's a daga?)
23 A Pony of AnYthings
24 A Kim of Possibilities
25 A Toon of Kritics Brony Analyst Card: A Toon of Kritics
26 A Brony of Unovas
27 A Finn of Ponies
28 A Squirrel of Theorists
29 A Bloom of Sweets
30 A Sister of Segas
31 A Digi of Brothers
32 A Tommy of Olivers
33 A Take of Gibbons
34 A Crew of Horseshoes
35 A Kamen of Mangas
36 A Cord of Reds
37 A Rave of Blues Brony Analyst Card: A Rave of Blues
38 A Past of Analysts
39 A Lock of Caps
40 A Spirit of Rainbows
41 A Lady of Oranges
42 A Ninja of Brits Brony Analyst Card: A Ninja of Brits
43 A Bliss of Lightnings
44 A Phantom of Horns
45 A Frame of Keys
46 An Aeon of Dreams
47 A Chord of Sparkles
48 A Can of Creams
49 A Notion of Bronies
50 A Doctor of Fowls
51 A Looney of Turtles
52 A Poetess of Persians
53 A Mage of Auras
54 A Burn of Donuts
55 A Brony of Puzzles
56 A Brony of Bucks
57 A Rose of Sievers
58 A Comet of Emeralds
59 A Beat of Cliffords
60 A Sea of Antonies
61 A Swift of Pencils
62 A Comic of Sans
63 A Cam of Ponies
64 A Corp of Bronies
65 A Kimi of Sparkles
66 A Shark of Discussions
67 A Mad of Munchkins
68 A Dabble of Doodles
69 A Film of Sparks
70 A Countess of Roses
71 A Blaze of Crimsons
72 A Ninja of DCs
73 A Poke of Bronies
74 A Keen of Wolves
75 A Prose of Pastels
76 An Art of Passions
77 A Code of Masters
78 An Eli of Yoras (wtf's a yora?)
79 A Male of Alicorns
80 A Brony of Theories
81 A Buck of Brawnies
82 A Pristine of Hearts Brony Analyst Card: A Pristine of Hearts
83 A Glow of Crimsons
84 A Work of Fires

If there are any analysts that I missed, please list them in the comments and I'll update the list accordingly. You might notice that some of the people in this list aren't analysts, and that's because this list isn't strictly on analysts as it has a few exceptions. If I have enough, I might go back later and make a 52-card deck only with analysts.

(Note: The numbers don't mean anything other than a count of how many cards there are in the deck.)
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F1r3w0rks's avatar
A colt of fireworks. c: